Monday 26 December 2011

Athletics Race Walk Judges and Olympic Athletics Race Walk Tickets

There are judges on the course to monitor form. Three judges submitting "red cards" for violations results in disqualification. There is a scoreboard placed on the course so competitors can see their violation status. If the third violation is received, the chief judge removes the competitor from the course by showing a red paddle.
For monitoring reasons, races are held on a looped course or on a track so judges get to see competitors several times during a race. A judge could also "caution" a competitor that he or she is in danger of losing form by showing a paddle that indicates either losing contact or bent knees.
 No judge may submit more than one card for each walker and the chief judge may not submit any cards; it is his or her job only to disqualify the offending walker. Disqualifications are routine at the elite level, such as the famous case of Jane Seville disqualified within sight of a gold medal in front of her home crowd in the2000 Summer Olympics.
Olympic Tickets are being sold in high ratio and Olympic Athletic Race Walk Tickets are much sold tickets among all Olympic Tickets. If anybody wants to purchase Olympic Athletics Race Walk Ticket, he/ she should select Global Ticket Market. Global Ticket market is selling all Olympic Ticket on affordable rate. Especially Olympic Athletic Race Walk Tickets are sold there at cheap prices and in easy terms. 

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